A know-how of committed beekeepers
from Gascony

Organic and local honey
from the South of France

Organic, conventional honey and hive products from the South of France

Welcome to the fabulous world of bees !

We are a small family business based in the Gers, France, offering several types of honey mainly from the South-West as well as beehive products: propolis, raw wax and embossed wax.

Our products come from our own beekeeping company as well as from those of our friends beekeepers located in the South-West of France and in Provence. Committed to a sustainable development approach, we offer authentic quality products, 100% pure and natural, the majority of which are labeled “AB Agriculture Biologique”.

Discover the secrets of bees and let yourself be tempted by their wonders !

Our company

Beekeeping story …

Beekeeping has been our core business for over 20 years. We are happy to offer you directly the fruit of our work with bees.

A unique place in Gers, Gascony

The beekeeping farm and the « Api-Moulin » company are located in Lamaguère (Gers province), next to an old restored windmill, at the end of a natural meadow. Wild orchids and the Roman hyacinth have earned this unspoiled meadow a designation of Community Interest. The village of Lamaguère is classified as a Natura 2000 zone. Impregnated by this environment, we built the hangar and honey room with wood, and the farm is 95% autonomous in electricity thanks to solar panels.

The farm has now more than 900 beehives which produce :

  • rapeseed, buckwheat and sunflower honey in the Gers province
  • acacia honey along the Canal de Midi
  • chestnut honey in the Périgord Noir and in the Pyrenees
  • mountain honey in the Pyrenees.

A family company
with committed beekeepers

Our beekeeping establishment has grown over the years, which motivated us to create a packaging and marketing company for honey. The company « Api-Moulin » was thus created in 2017 and distributes honey collected by our farm as well as by our friends beekeepers. The company also offers beehive products such as propolis, embossed and raw wax.

Beyond the honey we produce, we offer other flavours of honey that we carefully select from our circle of beekeepers in Gascony and Provence. The majority of our beekeepers are located in the Gers and Hautes Pyrénées provinces, which gives us a supply circuit of less than 50 km (for 97% of our honey).

Since 2017, we are engaged in an organic production approach in order to offer healthy products with respect for bees and the environment. Likewise, many of the beekeepers who supply Api-Moulin are labeled organic farming. All the beekeepers in our network follow work methods and practices similar to our farm that we know very well. We are all sensitive to environmental disturbances and share the same principles for respecting consumers and protecting bees. The work of the bees, the harvesting, the extraction and the potting of honey are carried out in compliance with these principles.

Our values
and commitments

Quality and authenticity

Tasty, unpasteurized honey, 100% pure and natural


At Api-Moulin, we perfectly master the entire value chain, from the production of honey in the apiary, to the exit of the finished products from our hangar

A rigorous know-how

of beekeepers committed to guarantee unique tastes and superior quality of our products

Short circuits, partnerships and collaboration with Gascon beekeepers

The vast majority of our products are from the South West of France and come from our circle of beekeepers located less than 50 km away.

(Having spent several years with a beekeeper in the Alpes-Maritimes before starting our own business, we wanted to enrich our range of products with lavender honey from the area of Provence (South East of France)

Commitment to organic food

for consumer health, animal welfare and the protection of the environment

Preservation of the environment

by leaving the smallest possible footprint in our apiaries. Our operation and company are energetically autonomous thanks to solar panels

A range of honey accessible

to all for all tastes
and always affordable

A dynamic, efficient and smiling team

of happy-beekeepers
at your service !

Honey processing

Honey… instructions for use !

Honey production is the result of numerous operations carried out by beekeepers throughout the year. We work the honey in a total transparency respecting the bee and its natural rhythm. The beekeepers with whom we work closely practice similar methods that we know very well. Labeled organic farming since 2017, we follow practices compatible with the regulations in force.

At the apiary

Our farm operates a traditional beekeeping system, where each hive is individualized, with a precise knowledge of its history. The bee colonies are grown in 10-frame « Dadant » hives.


Spring is the most important period for the development of bees which determines the course of the following periods and therefore of production. Thus, the spring months are the busiest in terms of work for the beekeeper.

The resumption of our activities on the hives is marked by the spring visits. After wintering, in March we check all the hives to check their good health. We open the hive and we check the presence of a queen and the quality of her laying. We carry out various operations according to the needs of each hive the aim being to have healthy hives, well populated and ready to produce honey as soon as possible. A very important operation in the spring is the breeding of new colonies (swarms) by « dividing » the strong and populous colonies.

In the spring, our bees produce rapeseed, acacia, flower and honeydew honey.


In summer, we control the laying of new queens, we monitor the development of young swarms, by carrying out adapted operations. The honeys produced during this period are those of chestnut, lime and sunflower.

The activity of our hives begins to decrease at the end of the summer and according to the fall in temperature. Our work concerns the wintering: checking the reserves of the colonies, closing the entrances, moving the hives to places suitable for wintering …


In winter, our intervention in the hives is very limited. The beekeeper’s work consists mainly in the manufacture and maintenance of equipment (beehives, supers, frames, etc.).

To fight Varroa mites, the parasite that can destroy entire colonies, we need to treat hives. This treatment requires good organization with regular visits to all the hives throughout the year.

At the hangar

The honey we harvest is stored in the supers. These are removed from the hives at the end of each flowering in order to obtain quality monofloral honeys. The supers are then transported to the hangar where they remain for a few days in the hot room where the temperature and the hydrometry are regulated. The honey extraction is done with specific machines in several stages :

  • Uncapping : The frames with the honey pass one by one through the uncapping machine which removes the wax lids which close the alveoli. After this operation, the cells are opened so that the honey can come out. The removed wax goes into a tank where honey and wax are centralized.
  • Extraction : The uncapped frames pass through the extractor which removes honey from the alveoli by the effect of centrifugal force. The honey released goes into a tray where the honey and the wax are centralized.
  • Filtration : The honey mixed with the wax passes through a final machine, the spinfloat, which separates the honey from the wax. The honey is collected in food barrels and then stored under cover. The wax is collected in barrels before it is remelted to make new sheets of wax for the hives the following year.
parcours miel vent de miel - apimoulin

Our products

Simple, natural products without additives Made in France !

Our mantra is simple: respect for the wonderful work of bees to offer you this natural quintessence in a jar of “Vent de Miel” (“Honey Wind).

Our honeys and beehive products are authentic, quality local products, 100% pure and natural. They come directly from the hive with respect for bees and the environment. Our honeys are carefully chosen to guarantee unique and authentic tastes.

    Every moment has its honey… Discover our range of liquid and creamy honeys for :

    • Your infusions and coffee
    • Your morning slices of bread
    • Your children’s milk (over one year old)
    • Your recipes for sweet and savory dishes
    • Your cakes, pastries, yogurts, creams, gingerbread …
    • Your cosmetic compositions (for the face, lips, hair, body)
    • Many other uses: sleep and digestion disorders, fatigue, convalescence, stress, constipation, injuries, burns …

    Our organic and conventional honeys… which are really tasty !


    Rapeseed honey is the first honey of spring. From a taste point of view, its flavour is not very pronounced. Without bitterness or significant acidity, this honey leaves a fairly strong sweet perception. Rape honey is very light yellow on extraction, but it quickly turns gray-white since it crystallizes into fine grains. Its rapid crystallization is due to the high level of glucose (compared to fructose), which distinguishes it from the majority of other honeys. It is often combined with other honeys to give them more finesse.

    — It is produced and harvested in the Gers in April

    It contains many trace elements, including calcium and boron, recommended against rheumatism. It calms heartburn, facilitates intestinal transit, relieves hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Its high content of glucose and fructose makes it an excellent energizer, especially for athletes.

    Available in buckets of 5 kg


    Acacia honey has a light yellow-gold colour. It is a very fine and delicate liquid honey. It is rich in fructose and has a very light aroma. Its texture is fluid and its crystallization rather slow. It is a sweet honey ideal for the whole family and especially children. Its very discreet taste can make it ideal for culinary recipes.

    — It is produced along the Canal du Midi at the beginning of May and harvested at the end of May.

    Calming, restoring, digestive, intestinal regulator. It can be given to very young children.

    Available in jars of 250 gr and 500 gr
    and in buckets of 5 kg

    Organic and conventional


    Highly aromatic, Mountain honey is a blend of several flavors of the Pyrenees: bramble, linden, wild flowers, chestnut, representing the great natural diversity of the region. This diversity is reflected in the texture, colour and fragrance of this honey, which can differ from one year to another depending on the wishes of bees! In general, it is a liquid honey with a light brown colour and a quite slow crystallization.

    — It is produced in mid-mountain in the Central Pyrenees in June and harvested at the beginning of July

    Nourrissant, tonifiant, reconstituant, renforce les défenses immunitaires, soulage les gorges sensibles

    Available in jars of 250 gr and 500 gr
    and in buckets of 5 kg


    Chestnut honey is an amber honey known for its intense flavour. With a lingering aroma, it leaves a long taste in the mouth. It is intense with a slightly bitter aftertaste. It is a fairly liquid honey that crystallizes slowly (after several weeks after potting). With a strong and surprising taste, this rustic honey is particularly suitable for pastries.

    — It is produced in the Périgord Noir in June and harvested at the beginning of July

    Rich in minerals and trace elements, anti-anemic and dynamogenic. Accelerates blood circulation and helps fight against urinary tract infections.

    Available in jars of 250 gr and 500 gr
    and in buckets of 5 kg
    Organic and conventional


    With a very pleasant flavour and a fragrant smell, Lime tree honey is a well appreciated honey. Its taste is quite specific because it sometimes reminds the taste of mint. Its colour is yellow (light or dark) and its consistency quite thick. Its crystallization is fine and quite slow (about 6 months). It is recommended to sweeten herbal teas, tea or milk.

    — It is produced in the Central Pyrenees between late June and harvested early July

    Antispasmodic, soothing, calming nervous. Rich in vitamins and minerals: iron, phosphorus, calcium, etc. Promotes the retention of calcium and magnesium. Calm migraines and other pains. Advised in case of sleep difficulties.

    Available in jars of 250 gr and 500 gr
    and in buckets of 5 kg
    Organic and conventional



    The bright yellow color of this honey is reminiscent of the sun and the flowery sunflower fields that unfurl in the Gers province in July and August. Sunflower honey has a very pleasant taste and a relatively light aroma. It is a fairly dense honey with a particular texture. It crystallizes rapidly (about a week after potting) due to the high glucose concentration. Sunflower honey is ideal for sweetening hot drinks.

    — It is produced in the Gers during July and harvested in August

    Rich in vitamin E, beneficial on the circulatory system and recommended for the treatment of cardiac disorders.

    Available in jars of 250 gr and 500 gr
    and in buckets of 5 kg


    From an amber to golden yellow colour, this honey from Provence is characterized by a typical delicate aroma and a creamy texture with fruity flavours. Its taste is delicate, long in the mouth. Its colour becomes white quickly under the effect of crystallization.

    — It is produced in Provence in July and harvested in August

    Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, antispasmodic, recognized in the treatment of respiratory tract and lung infections, effective in treating insect bites, burns and infected wounds.

    Available in jars of 250 gr and 500 gr
    and in buckets of 5 kg

    Other types of honey

    Do you want another flavour of honey?

    Thanks to our network of beekeepers, we can satisfy requests for other types of honey according to your needs.

    We remain at your disposal, contact us!

    Other products

    Organic propolis

    Propolis is mainly vegetable. Bees collect resin from tree buds, then mix it with wax, pollen and other substances from bees, and create propolis. The benefits of this natural product have been known since antiquity: antiseptic (especially against skin conditions: warts, mycoses, athlete’s foot), disinfectant, stimulating effect of the immune system, antibiotic, healing, inti-inflammatory, releases the respiratory tracts.

    Available in 1 kg sachets (mainly for professionals)

    Organic wax

    Beeswax is a 100% natural product made by bees which is used to build the alveoli. It is in these hexagonal cells that bees store honey, pollen and bee larvae. Wax is a complex mixture of fatty esters, fatty acids and hydrocarbon compounds. Its uses are numerous in beekeeping, cosmetics, food, decoration and home maintenance.

    We collect the wax when extracting honey (seal wax) or when melting old combs (breccia wax).

    Available in pieces weighing several kg or in goffered sheets (mainly for professionals)

    Specific orders, private label, …

    Are you interested in our products and have a specific request ?

    Beyond the products available under our own brand, we can respond to specific orders from professionals or individuals within the limits of our capabilities :

    • Private label
    • Conditioning of specific series for events (weddings, baptisms…)
    • Others

    Contact us ! We will be happy to satisfy your request !

    Where can you find us ?

    Do you want to taste our honey?
    Find our honeys in major supermarkets and stores and merchants in the Gers and Haute Garonne provinces in the South of France.

    Our points of sale in the area of Toulouse


    Our honey… remotely

    You can also order our honey
    from your home on the website
    of La Fabrique Artisanale :

    Are you a professional and want to list or buy our products in bulk?

    Contact us !
    We will be happy to respond to your request and send you samples.

    Contact us

    A question, a specific request ? Do you want to send us your feedback or leave a word ?

    Our team is at your service !

    5 + 13 =

    Contact information

    0033 6 43 33 91 61


    EURL Api-Moulin

    Au Moulin, 32260 Lamaguère

    EURL API Moulin

    Au Moulin – 32260 Lamaguère – France
    Tél. 0033 6 43 33 91 61